The Sounds of Freedom and Depravity – when the movie, “Sound of Freedom,” opened in cinemas around America, some responded with cynicism.
For the record, I watched the movie with my family. There were several evocative moments for me—images of the father coming to pick up his children at night. Finding them gone e spins about in a deserted street with despair etched in his face. And the one where Agent Timothy has to search a pedophile’s computer looking for clues. There are other haunting moments.
How can a movie about child trafficking, based on true occurrences, draw the ire and cynicism of the likes of Rolling Stone, The Guardian, and several other main-stream media? It was branded a “conspiracy theory” and linked to QAnon in order to poison the well. For more context, see the Not the Bee article.
Several cinema attendees around the country even complained that the AC malfunctioned during screening. While I can’t definitively speak to that, I’ve arrived at the point where sabotage wouldn’t surprise me. Were some peeved that a movie which was originally rejected by Disney and Netflix ended up doing so well?
Denying the problem
Do some people deny that human trafficking is a major issue in the United Sates (and globally)? Well, here’s a snippet from a Gatestone Institute article,
“Whether intentional or not, it can be argued that the US Government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children…. Realizing that we were not offering children the American dream, but instead putting them into modern-day slavery with wicked overlords was a terrible revelation…. They threatened me with an investigation. They… took my badge. It is a terrible thing when you blow the whistle to try to save children and you’re retaliated against for trying to help. The HHS [The United States Department of Health and Human Services] did everything they could to keep all of this silent.” — Tara Lee Rodas, testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, April 26, 2023...continue reading
Ultimately the problem is sin and depravity.
Recall the TV series, “To Catch a Predator.” The concept was to set up stings in order to catch men sexually preying on under-age children. I wondered how long it would be before the predator became the victim.
We now find ourselves in the situation where men pretending to be women are welcomed in schools and libraries, and invited to perform in front of impressionable children. Moreover, books aimed at sexualizing minors are being smuggled into school libraries without their parents’ consent.
Perhaps that’s one reason why “Sound of Freedom” is being attacked.
The heart is more deceitful than all else, and is desperately sick; who can understand it? Jer 17:9
For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. Rom 1:25-27
Yet let us remember our battle isn’t against flesh and blood. See Ephesians 6:10-20.
May our all-conquering Lord return to set things right! And He longs to return.
Further resources
Media PANICS! Sound of Freedom WINS!
Light into darkness: The Sound of Freedom movie
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