About eleven or so years ago I came across a Conservative Theological Society article written by Dr. Mal Couch. At the end of that article, he recommended several fine websites for further study. One of them was Spirit And Truth.
At first I thought it was an odd name for a Christian website – mainly because in my experience so many New Age sites had co-opted the word “spirit” into their names. Of course, their “spirit” had nothing to do with the Holy Spirit. However, the Spirit And Truth ministry is not a New Age resource. It is biblically grounded and provides a wealth of resources for those who want to study God’s word. I am indebted to Dr. Couch for that recommendation.
Ministry Purpose:
SpiritAndTruth.org is dedicated to edifying and equipping Christian believers to become more effective representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ. Distinctives of SpiritAndTruth.org include:
Emphasis on the growth of the Christian believer through the study of God’s Truth (the Bible) illuminated by the Holy Spirit (our Teacher).
Providing teaching materials in a variety of media, for free access over the internet. Listen to teaching on-line or download and listen while commuting, etc.
Providing easy-to-use, universally accessible Bible Study aids which are truly free. Study the bible while online or download free Bible study tools for use on your own computer.
Trusting in God to promote and supply the needs of His Kingdom through prayer, obedience, and sacrifice without resorting to solicitation or advertising.
It is our prayer that the free resources offered here are a blessing to you as you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The five contributors are:
Click on each name for further personal information and note each individual’s teachings link. We have already mentioned Dr. Paul Henebury several times previously. He is the President of Telos Theological Ministries. A special and personal mention should go to Tony Garland for his fabulous commentary on Revelation – A Testimony of Jesus Christ. It has been a blessing to me. The Expanded Table of contents can be found HERE.
Each month Spirit And Truth have new teaching articles and audios available in their Newsletter .
We hope you will spend some time exploring their website. We’re sure the effort will greatly bless you.
Sharing is caring!