What is Presuppositional Apologetics, exactly? How is it different to other systems? Is it an effective approach? Well, I’m not the person to answer these questions competently. I’m just a Signpost. But I know people who can.
Not everyone is happy with the system. R. C. Sproul, for example, took issue with it during a conference on inerrancy. The Domain for Truth responded HERE. K. Scott Oliphint answered some objections to Presuppositional Apologetics in a TGC article. See also The Cripplegate’s Presuppositional Apologetics – An Evaluation.
Speaking of Scott Oliphint, he wrote the book The Battle Belongs to the Lord – The Power of Scripture for Defending Our Faith. It would be fair to say that most proponents of Presuppositional Apologetics are Covenantal. Dr. Paul Henebury reviews Oliphint’s book Covenantal Apologetics HERE. He also discusses whether Presup Apologetics should be rebranded as Covenantal Apologetics. Is Presup Apologetics a satisfactory term? Dr. Henebury addresses some of the concerns HERE.
See also his brief summary on PA:
Many people have maybe heard of what is called presuppositional apologetics but have little idea what it actually is. This situation is made worse because some defenders of the Faith are labeled presuppositional but, in fact, aren’t. So how should I describe it?
The first thing I would say is that although I personally have few problems with it, presuppositionalism” is not perhaps the best name for the approach. A more preferable title would be something like “theological apologetics.” Nevertheless, we are stuck with the name so we better understand what we mean by it. In this approach a “presupposition” is not just a prior assumption which one brings to a problem. It is not, e.g., supposing that the Bible is God’s Word and seeing where that gets you. This only makes your presupposition a “hypothetical,” not a necessary stance. But a “presupposition” here means an “ultimate heart commitment” to some interpretation and explanation of reality…keep reading
This brings me to the main point of this post. If you have any interest in Christian Apologetics, you ought to become acquainted with Presuppositionalism. Done correctly, it is a powerful tool for witnessing. This is not to say that I’m any good at it. Again, I’m a learner and a Signpost here. Dr. Henebury has made numerous videos on the subject of PA available on The Telos Theological Ministries YouTube Channel. At the time of writing these videos are still being added to. Paul is a great teacher. He brings you along slowly so that you don’t get too lost.
These videos are a tremendous resource. Sadly, human nature often sees something offered free as not being worthwhile. In this case you’d be wrong! Think about God’s Grace. If you do watch these videos and appreciate them, click the “Like” button and “Subscribe” to support him.
The video below is a great place to begin:
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