Rose Price, that Jew died for you
Powerful testimony. I never knew the Nazis told the Jews Jesus wanted them to inflict punishment on them.
“Rose Price, one of the few of her family, survived the hell of the concentration camps of the Second World War. Every time she was beaten, the guard told her, “Jesus told us to hit you. Jesus hates you.” This brought her to the conclusion that it was Jesus who murdered her family, but when she started to study the Bible to find out who He is, she discovered the opposite. Jesus loved her so much, that He gave Himself for her. He just died for her. She is still Jewish, but found the God of Israel and serves Him to His glory. She encourages you to study in the Hebrew Scriptures the prophecies about the coming of the suffering servant and to find out about whom these speak.”
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hat tip to Geliefde from JESUS CHRIST IS MY LORD GOD OF ISRAEL
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