The Bible and Homosexuality. What does the Bible really teach about homosexuality?
Matthew Vines claims to have taken time out to study what the Scriptures say in the matter:
So two years ago, I took a leave of absence from college and committed myself to thousands of hours of research and study about the Bible and homosexuality. I wanted to figure it out, to resolve this contradiction. But as someone who has always upheld Scripture as authoritative for Christian faith, I didn’t want to accept easy answers that failed to do justice to the biblical text. It took a lot of time, to say the least.
According to Vines those hours of study convinced him that the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexual behavior. He followed up with a video and book detailing his arguments. Of his conclusions, Vines says:
This is a message that everyone needs to hear, even if you aren’t a Christian, and even if you don’t believe in the Bible, because how Christians interpret these few verses of Scripture has a huge impact on the lives of LGBT people all over the world.
Other Christians agree with him. In fact some denominations, such as the ELCA, have been subtly paving the way for the acceptance of homosexual practice and same-sex marriage for years. This appears to be the way many denominations are heading. But are they right or are they rejecting Scripture? What does the Bible really teach about homosexuality?
In the video below, Kevin DeYoung disagrees with Vines’ conclusion. He responds to some of the biblical questions and arguments which surround this controversial subject.
What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? from Crossway on Vimeo.
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