Book review for “The Faith-Shaped Life” by Ian Hamilton published by The Banner of Truth (paperback 156 pages).
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Heb 11:6
I can’t recall now how I first came across Ian Hamilton. Most likely it was through The Banner of Truth YouTube Channel. What struck me about him was his love for Christ, for God’s Word and his humble pastoral tenderness. This humble attitude comes across in a short Banner interview discussing how “The Faith-Shaped Life” came about.
Hamilton tells us that it began from a series of pastoral letters. He notes that in preaching he is preaching to himself; that he is an ordinary Christian with the same struggles, joys, sorrows, hopes and fears, longings and yearnings, as everyone else. In the interview, Hamilton concludes that “faith looks outside itself to the Lord Jesus Christ”, and so “the faith-shaped life is actually a Christ-shaped life.”
This little book consists of forty-three short meditations which can be read daily. See the Table of Contents below. However, don’t let the “shortness” fool you, and don’t be in a hurry if you do get the book. There is deep theology and doxology, gems and Bible verses in each of its pages. I’ve spent a long time in some of the meditations – the chapter on the Holy Trinity is one example:
Our salvation was accomplished by the Holy Trinity acting in concert. Undergirding the whole fabric of creation in general and the work of salvation in particular are the three persons of the Godhead. God the Trinity is first and last.
Here’s another wise observation:
The Christian finds himself or herself in unrelenting warfare with the world, the flesh and the devil. Every step forward in Christ-likeness will be contested.
This book is a practical guideline on the workings of faith in the Christian’s life. I referred to it in my article Where Must Faith Always Look, and will no doubt continue using it.
We are blessed to live in a time when we have access to so many books which guide, comfort and encourage Christians. This book is one of them. Note that Ian Hamilton has also written “The Gospel-Shaped Life.”
The Faith-Shaped Life: Table of Contents
1) Getting Started
2) Faith: An Overused and Much Misunderstood Word
3) The Holy Trinity: Faith’s Constant Delight
4) The Catholicity of Faith
5) Specks and Logs: Faith and Judging Others
6) Faith and Christian Unity
7) Faith and Disappointment
8) The Anchor that Keeps Faith Steadfast
9) What Faith Looks Like
10) The Brotherliness of Faith
11) Faith and Joy
12) Faith in the Dark
13) Faith’s Great Delight
14) The Sweet Words that Nourish Faith
15) The Aroma of Faith
16) Faith’s Great Sorrow
17) The Humble Wisdom of Faith
18) Loving One Another: the Family Character of Faith
19) Where Faith Always Looks
20) Faith at Work
21) What Faith Sees
22) Faith’s Highest Privilege
23) Faith, the Protestant Watchword
24) Faith’s Present Experience
25) Faith’s Great Comfort
26) What Faith Aspires To
27) Faith’s Present Ache
28) The Tenderness of Faith
29) Faith’s Submissiveness
30) Dealing With Our Past: Trusting God
31) Faith in a Post-modern World
32) The Humbling Fact that Pervades the Life of Faith
33) Faith and Numbers
34) The Lips of the Faithful
35) Controversy and Faith
36) The Legacy that Faith Bequeaths
37) The Reminder that Faith Always Needs
38) Jesus Christ: Faith’s Obsession
39) Faith’s Supreme Interest
40) Faith’s Unsettling Obsessiveness
41) Faith’s Assurance: ‘Nothing So Ill but Christ Will Compensate’
42) Thinking Faith: The Logic of Redemption
43) Faith’s Constant Companion
The Faith-Shaped Life !
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The Faith-Shaped Life
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