Are you ready? There will be mockers who note that people have been saying that for eons. Don’t fall into the trap. Jesus is always coming soon. One day He will surprise those who are still on this earth. Always be ready.
Dr. Steven Lawson recently sent out three tweets which impacted me. I’ll cite them in bold. Here’s the first:
“We have never been so close to the second coming of Christ. I do not know when He is coming, but we had better be ready.”
See Steven Lawson’s Eschatology for context.
That hopeful Tweet gave me joy. I needed to hear that. It affected others the same way. Not surprisingly there were a few scoffers.
Those of us who look at last-days prophecy have had our eyes on Israel and the Middle East for a long time. This area is always a powder keg. Israel is certainly a time piece for the Last days. Also, at the time of this Tweet whole world is in COVID-19 turmoil. On the heels of that we now have almost global protesting, rioting and looting. What might we see occurring next?
Might we be hearing the Footsteps of the Messiah? Non-pretrib premillennialists claim we’re hearing the Footsteps of the Antichrist. They assert, “Antichrist first! And only then will Jesus come.”
Of course pretribulationist understand that there are events which occur before Christ returns to begin His earthly reign. However, we also believe this doesn’t preclude His return for the church before these events. Non-pretrib groups, especially prewrath rapturists, accuse us of incorrectly teaching two future comings of the Lord. I’ve responded to this astounding irony HERE.
What about imminence? I’ve read my share of articles arguing against imminence in our day. To a limited extent I agree with some near post-ascension objections to imminence.
That said, I’ve been re-reading the New Testament. What strikes me is how the writers admonished the church with the message that Christ was at hand. They instructed their audience to live pure lives because Christ was near (James 5:7-8 etc). James may have been referring to the Lord’s coming prior to the millennium. There’s no space to explore all this now. But the message to be ready was clear.
It’s rather odd that, after giving the disciples a collection of signs which precede His premillennial return; Jesus tells them that the Son of Man is coming at an hour they do not think. If I’d been there I would have wanted further clarification, “But, Lord, you’ve just given us all these signs. Once these happen we’ll have a clue.” See Matt 24:36-37; 43-50 etc.
I can guess the many ways non-pretribbers might respond (being alert etc), and have seen some of them. Nevertheless I doubt they’d have chosen Jesus’ words – they certainly don’t use them now – because they’re looking for Antichrist and the Abomination of Desolation before Christ’s coming for the church.
Just be ready for the Lord’s soon coming.
“Following Christ will lead us into the storms of life. But better to be in raging tempests with Him than in false peace without Him.”
The church has always known tribulation (John 16:33).
We don’t prepare for the Antichrist; we expect tribulation of all kinds now. I’ll keep asking the same question of those who insist on converting pretribbers – how do you prepare? Don’t use posttribulationism as currency. It doesn’t work that way.
We may die long before the Antichrist or Christ comes. We may be thrown in prison or asked to deny Christ long before Antichrist. It isn’t about changing rapture timing position: the question should be – are we prepared to die for Christ right now? Do we place all our faith and trust in Him?
Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matt 10:28
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Cor 2:9. See also Romans 8:31-37.
Books to read: Slave, and The Power of Suffering by John MacArthur. Christ’s Call to Discipleship by James Montgomery Boice. O Death, Where is thy Sting? by John Murray.
We all must put our faith either in a posttrib-rapture-equals-preparation position or faith in Christ alone.
“If you have any doubt about where you stand with the Lord, now is the time to make it certain. Come all the way to a living faith in Jesus Christ! Now! There is no other way to be right with God.”
The natural condition of man is Death. In Adam we all die. Death can come suddenly – it doesn’t always announce its arrival. Yet in Christ we live. Christians are those who have passed from Death to Life through Jesus Christ.
The time to come to Christ is now. Christ is the only Way to Heaven.
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