The Modern Priests of Moloch: The ancient practise of Moloch worship appears to be alive and well today, at least in some form. There are obvious differences. But the heart of the matter is essentially the same.
When a media outlet leaked news of the possibility of Roe V. Wade being overturned pandemonium broke loose. The response was predictable and, of course, the leak was intended to sabotage any overturn of R V. W. The following thoughts are my opinions
Hands off our Sacred Rites
The murder of pre-born children (a.k.a. as abortion) has become an untouchable, sacred right – you might even call it a Rite.
Years ago there was disagreement as to whether the “fetus” was a human. The narrative is changing. With better technology, we can now see the little person in the womb in detail. I recall when a friend, who had always supported abortion, saw scans of his daughter’s baby in the womb. He confessed that this was a human, not just a “fetus.” It challenged his worldview.
As the cliché goes – a picture is worth a thousand words.
So the “pro-choice” people often now include the words “child” and “baby” in their protests. One sometimes sees boasting, by some women, of killing their babies and intending to continue to do so in the future. They are proud of their abortions.
Then there are the “church-types” who celebrate abortion. Don’t be fooled by the Official Statements of some churches (ELCA, Episcopalian etc). At first blush they seem to condemn abortion. In practise, at the ground level, many church leaders condone it. More can be said here.
Moral subterfuge
I’ll try to be brief. There’s some ax grinding sarcasm up ahead.
How many times have we heard that one is not really pro-life unless one supports birth to grave social care, and eschews Capital Punishment? Have you heard that opposing abortion is all about controlling women?
Let’s keep this simple. Opposing abortion is about preventing the murder of pre-born infants. The above objections (and others we could mention) are hysterical attempts to hold onto the vile practice of pre-birth infanticide.
The evangelical blip
This could be placed under moral subterfuge. But I want to vent here. When the R V. W news was leaked, certain evangelical elites (influencers) were blind-sided. Some of these are the high-minded types who warned Christians about voting on a single issue (abortion). Let the reader understand.
One person expressed astonishment that it happened so soon (well it hasn’t yet at time of writing). They thought it would take another X amount of years if done the right way. That supposed “right way” could be the subject of an entire new article. I presume this way wouldn’t include voting for a particular individual or party.
At least two evangelicals got busy writing articles explaining their cautious positions. Yes, they are opposed to abortion but it has to be done in the right way.
I don’t buy the political platitudes! And that’s all they are.
A friend recently tweeted: Treat animals like some treat the unborn and watch the fur fly.
If this was about illegal immigration, or some other popular issue (like animal rights); many of these same folk would be venting long before X amount of years. How many millions of babies will be killed while Christians pontificate about niceness and doing things the right way?
The deafening lack of enthusiasm and joy from these types after the news was leaked spoke volumes. I checked. On the other hand, many evangelical conservatives (sure, sure, some elites claim to be conservative) immediately began praising God and calling for prayer.
See the difference?
The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it? Jer 17:9
Further reading
Christ’s Call to Reform the Church
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