The Other Pandemic – Sexual Holocaust: Another pandemic the world has been facing is the sexual holocaust. So argue Dr. John Sanford and Bridgette Heap.
I recently listened to a discussion on genetics with Dr. John Sanford when he indicated that he’d also co-written a book called “The Sexual Holocaust: A Global Crisis.” I found myself agreeing with his points. You can read a synopsis below.
Following the “sexual revolution” humanity has been in a global crisis. Sexual preference and liberty has become the new god. This pandemic has infected all areas: government, education, entertainment, mainstream media and even many churches.
One of the most disconcerting aspects of this pandemic is its impact on children. The activist LGBTQ community is after the minds and bodies of children. They have admitted it. This is why you see activists performing at schools and in libraries. It is less about acceptance and tolerance of “diversity” and more about mind-manipulation. Some professing Christian leaders are in denial. It’s past time to wake up.
Brief Synopsis
We are witnessing a profound change in the way humans perceive and practice sexuality. Today, much of the world is rejecting almost all sexual constraints. Some of the unrestrained sexual behaviors that are becoming normalized today have been practiced in the past and are not new. However, because of the internet, we are witnessing an explosion of unrestrained sexual behaviors that are becoming global, all-pervading, and widely institutionalized.
The globalization and normalization of these unrestrained behaviors is the consequence of the sexual revolution. The sexual revolution has been widely celebrated as a wonderful victory where sexual liberation has triumphed over sexual restraint. In reality, the sexual revolution has resulted in profound harm to all of humanity.
Few people are aware of the profound costs of this “anything-goes” sexuality. It can be argued that the sexual revolution has caused more harmful consequences, more bondage, and more victims than any other human tragedy in history. In other words, the sexual revolution has caused a sexual holocaust. The suffering associated with the Sexual Holocaust is global in extent, continues to accelerate, and has no end in sight. The Sexual Holocaust is a multi-dimensional global crisis stemming from unrestrained sexual behaviors that have resulted in profound harm to humanity…
Read the rest of the synopsis HERE.
You can download a free PDF of “The Sexual Holocaust: A Global Crisis” HERE
Further reading
Christ’s Call to Reform the Church
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