The Words of the Covenant: Paul Henebury. No, the following post is not a review of a book I haven’t finished reading yet. I’ve read portions of it even before publication. Now that I have it in hand I want to spread the news.
Henebury who?
The Words of the Covenant is Dr. Paul Henebury’s first book. Paul is otherwise known as Dr. Reluctant. He is also the President of Telos Theological Ministries. I had the good providence of coming across Paul via a website recommendation by Mal Couch many years ago. Dr. Couch recommended Spirit and Truth Ministry (Tony Garland) and Paul is one of the contributors.
Over the years Paul has inspired me (and I’m sure others) to read and profit from people I theologically disagree with: to set everything side-by-side with Scripture. He is familiar with the Covenant Theologian and the Dispensationalist writers and will honestly critique both sides.
I’ve always found him to be gracious and humble. While he is a dispensationalist he thinks (and I agree) that there are areas which need fixing – see Biblical Covenantalism.
You can read what the book is all about and why it was written HERE.
From the book’s Preface
Paul writes,
The Words of the Covenant will have its detractors. It will be looked upon as overly simplistic by some and as a subversion of well-trusted teaching by others. But you can’t please everyone. It represents a fallible attempt, but I hope an edifying one. My purpose is plain enough. I want to stimulate God’s people to pick up their Bibles and read them with confidence. It is possible. All we need to do is to pay special attention to the oaths of God in His Word. What this produces is a field of study plain enough to encourage the new believer who wants to come to grips with God’s Book, and deep enough for the scholar who wants to chase down every mention of God’s oaths and think through the many ramifications arising from them.
I have the odd habit of skimming through a new book and going directly to sections of particular interest. Then I go to the start and read it through. So I can attest that this book will satisfy the scholarly (prolific Footnotes and Bibliography), and is written in an accommodating language suitable for lay people like me.
Please note that this is Volume One. Dr. Henebury is currently working on Volume Two which focuses on the New Testament. The eschatological insights from Volume One (Daniel, Ezekiel etc) make me even more excited for the next book!
The Words of the Covenant – A Biblical Theology: Volume 1 – Old Testament Expectation !
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The Words of the Covenant – A Biblical Theology: Volume 1 – Old Testament Expectation
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