Three Hymns on Christ’s Second Advent – The following three hymns on Christ’s Second Advent are chosen from Charles Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book. I’ve come to appreciate the old hymns. I hope some readers will do as well.
Since Christ ascended to heaven there has been a hope and yearning for His return. The disciples looked for His coming and the church throughout history has looked for it. So should we…every day! Don’t listen to the scoffers in the last days.
Albert Midlane
He cometh
HARK! The cry, “Behold He cometh.”
Hark! The cry, “The Bridegroom’s near.”
These are accents falling sweetly
On the ransomed sinner’s ear.
Man may disbelieve the tidings,
Or in anger turn away;
‘Tis foretold there shall be scoffers
Rising in the latter day;
But He’ll come, the Lord from heaven,
Not to suffer or to die,
But to take His waiting people
To their glorious rest on high.
Happy they who stand expecting
Christ the Saviour, to appear;
Sad for those who do not love Him –
Those who do not wish Him here.
But in mercy still He lingers,
Lengthening out the day of grace,
Till He comes, inviting sinners
To His welcome, find embrace.
James Kelly
Glory for the chosen
LORD, in love Thou didst receive us,
Ere creation, as “thine own,”
And that love will never leave us,
But will raise us to Thy throne.
Thou wilt come, and we shall meet Thee,
Then the saints whom Thou wilt raise
Will, with those remaining, greet Thee,
Joining in one song of praise.
Then shall we, Thine image bearing,
Know Thee, Lord, as we are known;
With our blood-wash’d robes, declaring
What for us Thy death hath done.
Thus we all, our joy expressing,
Shall forever praise Thy name;
“Glory, power, dominion, blessing,
Be to God and to the Lamb.”
“Come quickly”
COME, Lord, and tarry not;
Bring the long-look’d-for day;
Oh why these years of waiting here,
These ages of delay?
Come, for Thy saints still wait;
Daily ascends their sigh;
The Spirit and the bride say, come;
Dost Thou not hear the cry?
Come, for creation groans
Impatient of Thy stay;
Worn out with these long years of ill,
These ages of delay.
Come, for the corn is ripe;
Put in thy sickle now;
Reap the great harvest of the earth,
Sower and reaper Thou!
Come, in Thy glorious might,
Come with the iron rod,
Scattering Thy foes before Thy face,
Most mighty Son of God.
Come, and make all things new;
Build up this ruin’d earth;
Restore our faded Paradise,
Creation’s second birth.
Come, and begin Thy reign
Of everlasting peace;
Come, take the kingdom to Thyself,
Great King of righteousness.
Maranatha – Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
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