Today’s Inspiration – R is for Rejoice
Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
The Christian is to always rejoice, and this is quite in contrast to the surrounding pagan society. Dean Overman says, “The Christian position is that the chief end of man is to know and glorify God and enjoy him forever…” O that such could be the case with the unhappy world around us today! “In the US, 2.4 billion prescriptions are written each year. 118 million or these, or the largest group, are for anti-depressants.”
As Christians, we rejoice in the hope of God’s glory (Rom. 5:2); we rejoice because our names are written in heaven (Lk. 10:20); that we have received God’s atonement (Rom. 5:11); we rejoice because we have a living hope and a sure salvation (1 Pet. 1:3-6). There are many more promises of God that should cause us to rejoice. Morris says, “Few things about the New Testament are more remarkable than this continual stress on joy.”
Next, we are to pray continually. How do we do that? We certainly do not go around with our hands folded together as a symbol of our prayer. Rather, we go around in a spirit of prayer, often thinking prayers in our minds regarding the situations we face daily. As Romans 12:12 tells us, we should be “devoted to prayer.” Or as radio Pastor and commentator Warren Wiersbe says, we are to “keep the receiver off the hook: and be in touch with God…”
Paul continues, saying that we should “give thanks in all circumstances.” We notice that he says “in” all circumstances and not “for” all of them. It was popular back in the 60s and 70s for Christians to think they had to give thanks for all evil circumstances. The preacher, Spurgeon, remarks, concerning joy and prayer, “When joy and prayer are married their first born child is gratitude.”
Again, many Christians are wondering what God’s will is for them. Here it is once more, plain and simple. We are to start rejoicing, praying and giving thanks at all times.
SOURCE: Word of God Today
The inspiration for these alphabet verses came from Crossroad
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