Below are a few older hymns of Trinitarian praise and worship. These have been selected from Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book.
Our salvation and access to God’s throne is a work of the Triune God. We ought to keep in mind the Trinity in both our worship and prayer. The following article from 9Marks is helpful regarding the latter and may aid us in our worship and singing,
Scripture’s teaching is perhaps surprising. Though we intuitively think of prayer as something we do to God, the trinitarian dynamics of prayer tell us just the opposite; more than anything, prayer is something God does to us…keep reading
Hymns of praise to our Triune God…
Newman Hall
Hallelujah joyful raise
Hear and voice our God to praise!
Praise the Father! Praise the Son!
Praise the Spirit. Three in One.
One to perfect all the plan
Of redeeming ruined man!
Triune God to Thee be given
Praise on earth and praise in heaven!
Isaac Watts
To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
Be honour, praise, and glory giv’n.
Tate and Brady
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One God, whom we adore,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.
James Edmeston
Music bring they sweetest treasures,
Dulcet melody and chord;
Link the notes with loveliest measures
To the glory of the Lord.
Wing the praises from every nation;
Sweetest instruments employ;
Raise the chorus of creation;
Swell the universal joy.
Far away be gloom and sadness;
Spirits with seraphic fire,
Tongues with hymns,
and hearts with gladness
Higher sound the chords and higher.
To the Father, to the Saviour,
To the Spirit, source of light,
As it was now, and ever
Praise in heaven’s supremest height.
Edward Cooper
Father of heav’n! whose love profound
A ransom for our souls has found,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend;
To us Thy pard’ning love extend.
Almighty Son! Incarnate Word!
Our Prophet-Priest-Redeemer-Lord!
Before Thy throne we sinners bend;
To us Thy saving grace extend.
Eternal Spirit! By whose breath
The soul is rais’d from sin and death,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend;
To us Thy quick’ning pow’r extend.
Jehovah! Father, Spirit, Son—
Mysterious Godhead—Three in One!
Before Thy throne we sinners bend;
Grace, pardon, life, to us extend.
The Following article may be of interest
Further reading
Michael Reeves on Christianity’s Triune God
Trinity Shapes our Prayer Life
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