That Tucker Carlson Munther Isaac interview: Carlson’s recent interview of Munther Isaac on X (Twitter) was a boon to anti-Israel activists. Perhaps he was acting in a position of naivety, but the Carlson slot gave great voice to an organizer of the Christ at the Checkpoint Conferences, and who has been a long-term vocal opponent of Israel and the Jews.
Munther Isaac is a counterpart of Stephen Sizer. According to his Bio, he is a “Palestinian Pastor and Theologian.” He is also associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) which supports his activism. The ELCA is anti-Zionist and anti-Israel and anti-Jew. I’ve noted in the past that ELCA minister Barbara Rossing’s “The Rapture Exposed” book was mostly a polemic against dispensational support of Israel.
For more on the increasingly heretical ELCA, see Dan Skogen’s website, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) EXPOSED
After the Carlson interview, several sources responded to Munther Isaac’s claims. Below are articles from the past and opinions of the interview.
Dexter Van Zile
The following is Van Zile’s 2020 review of Isaac’s polemical book:
Since 2012, Lutheran Pastor and professor of theology Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac has been one of the chief organizers of Christ at the Checkpoint (CATC) conferences that typically take place every even-numbered year in the West Bank. These so-called “peacemaking” conferences, which are sponsored by Bethlehem Bible College (BethBC), present Western Evangelicals with a one-sided view of conflict in the Holy Land…continue reading
Stan Feldsine
In the following article, Stan directly addresses Isaac:
The relationship between God, Israel, and the land has been a topic of theological and geo-political significance since the establishment of the Abrahamic Covenant in approximately 1900 B.C. With the birth of the modern state of Israel on 14 May 1948 questions about God, Israel, and the land have taken on new urgency for both politics, academia, and the popular press. Politically, Israel’s right to occupy their biblical homeland is under diplomatic and military assault…continue reading
PJ Media
I used to enjoy the occasional Tucker Carlson monologue on Fox News. His content was usually pointed and amusing and delivered with a breezy charm. But I rarely bothered with a Tucker Carlson interview. As an interviewer, too often, I found him strangely incurious and glib instead of breezy… But his interview on Tuesday with Reverend Munther Isaac was so much worse than merely glib or incurious…continue reading
The Arsonist Tucker Carlson
Among other things, this article notes that Munther Isaac lauded the Oct 2 2023 massacre by Hamas on Israel:
“I’m an American. Our country is being invaded right now. Over 100,000 Americans die every year of fentanyl. Those are real tragedies. I’ve never seen anything like the emotion from any commentator around those tragedies as I’m watching about a foreign tragedy.”
This was Tucker Carlson responding to the Oct. 7 attack in Israel, in which 1,200 innocent people were slaughtered in the most abominable manner possible by the genocidal death cult of Hamas, which filmed the entire massacre on GoPros and broadcast it for the world to see…continue reading
Some thoughts
I never cease to be saddened especially by many professing Christians’ either indifference or direct vile against Israel and the Jews. Following Oct 7 a few “celebrity” Christians expressed these sentiments on social media. Some continue to instigate against Israel, and even the Jewish people.
Antisemitism can be found in the Left and Right of the church, and all segments in between. It needs to repent and reform in this area.
For thus said the Lord of hosts, after his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye… Zechariah 2:8
Further reading
Israel in the Biblical Worldview
Jewish Virtual Library (Myths and Facts)
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