Here are two comforting video Christmas messages. One is by John Snyder of Media Gratiae. The other is by Tom Drion of GraceLife London. I’m thankful for the many Christmas messages faithful pastors preach every year at this time. These two examples helped me.
Christmas can be a time of grief over loss (as it was for us this year). It is also a time for the usual attacks from secular sources. Some people want their own version of Jesus – not the biblical one. This year I saw people feigning offense over the displaying of Christmas lights in stores and front yards of houses.
Also, more increasingly the Christmas story and Jesus’ identity is being co-opted by socially “progressive” and “woke” Christians to further certain political and personal agendas. To them, Jesus is a brown Palestinian homeless immigrant. In fact, Jesus was a Jew – the Lion from the Tribe of Judah. You can’t take the Jew out of Christmas or Jesus!
Here is an excerpt from GotQuestions:
In Revelation 5, Jesus is the long-awaited Lion of the tribe of Judah. John weeps because no one was found worthy to open the scroll of God’s judgment or even to look inside it. Then one of the elders says to John, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals” (Revelation 5:4–5). Both of the genealogies in Matthew and Luke record that Jesus is a descendant of the tribe of Judah. When Jesus is revealed as the promised Lion of the tribe of Judah, it reveals His deity. He is the true king and the One to whom belongs the long-awaited obedience of nations. Yet it is not His fierceness or the force of His power that makes Him worthy. The Lion has triumphed because He became a Lamb (Revelation 5:6–10; cf. John 1:29). Jesus Christ is worthy because He lived a perfect, sinless life and in shedding His blood defeated sin and death. His death and resurrection have resulted in a protection for His people and an eternal kingdom that will honor and worship God. Ruling this kingdom will be Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Christmas has passed and we look to another year. But perhaps these videos will help consolidate for us an enduring message of hope.
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