In the video below, Doreen Virtue interviews Alisa Childers on Progressive Christianity and the New Age. Kudos must go to Virtue for asking intelligent questions and providing a forum for Childers. In the past, Virtue’s testimony and her sincerity have been questioned by a couple of “discernment” ministries. Yes, I deliberately put that word in quotes.
I’ve often struggled to write about the phenomenon of Progressive Christianity. Where did it come from? Is it similar to the New Age? How do they get around Scripture? How do they define salvation, atonement etc? What about hell?
Alisa Childers answers these questions for us – recommended resource.
YouTube introduction
Alisa Childers, the author of “Another Gospel,” warns that Progressive Christianity is so far removed from biblical Christianity that its followers may not be saved. Alisa explains the similarities between the new age and Progressive Christianity.
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