Voices from the Past is Edited by Richard Rushing and published by The Banner of Truth (Hardcover 418 pages). The book was first published in 2009. It was reprinted twice in 2010 and again in 2013 and 2015.
You’re probably thinking: why another review of a devotional book? I’ve already reviewed The Valley of Vision and Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening (Edited by Alistair Begg) and Alec Motyer’s Psalms by the Day. I’m still using these, so why get another devotional? Don’t I have enough?
There are several reasons why Christians should use Rushing’s selection of daily devotionals. Firstly, Voices of the Past’s popularity can be gauged by how many times the book has been reprinted. Then there are the enthusiastic Amazon reviews. The devotional has been so well received that Rushing has produced Voices of the Past Volume 2.
Of course, these initial reasons are purely subjective. The real reason is the passion for God’s truth which the contributors to the book poured into their writings. Voices from the Past isn’t just an encouraging daily devotional, it’s a treasure trove of biblical gems from spiritual giants of the past. Rushing has gleaned the teachings of God’s precious word from the works of over thirty Puritans. Throughout its pages you will find people like Flavel, Gurnall, Sibbes, Swinnock, Watson, Manton, Owen, Rutherford, Baxter and more. Many of these Puritans provided spiritual guidance for the likes of the Prince of Preachers Charles Spurgeon. See also Spurgeon on Manton.
The format of the book is a daily reading of around 300 to 350 words by a selected Puritan. At the bottom of each page is the source information of where the material can be found. This is useful if you are drawn to a particular Puritan and want to study his works further. Provided at the back of the book is a Bibliography, Author Index, Topical Index and Scripture Index.
You can get more information from the Banner of Truth Website and watch a short video describing the book. Banner also provides a preview of the first few pages.
Excerpt from Banner:
Over the past fifty years there has been a great resurgence of interest in the writings of the Puritans. The reading of their works has brought great benefit to the people of God in many lands. Christians from many different backgrounds and cultures owe a great debt of gratitude to those faithful pastors and preachers who continue to speak through their writings even though they have long since entered into their heavenly reward. The Puritans really knew how to teach and apply God’s Word in the Spirit’s power!
Note: I now have Volume 2 and am using both daily. Voices of the Past V1 & V2 are a feast. Do yourself a favor and get them.
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Voices From The Past – Puritan Devotional Readings
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