What is the connection between Watergate and the Resurrection?
In his book Loving God Charles Colson wrote a chapter called Watergate and the Resurrection. He compared his personal experiences with President Nixon’s Watergate cover-up scandal, and compared these with how Jesus’ disciples behaved after His resurrection.
Colson pointed out that he and his colleagues were powerful people. They could mobilize generals, armies and cabinet officers. As the cover-up scandal broke out into the media, Chuck Colson wrote:
Yet after just a few weeks the natural human instinct for self-preservation was so overwhelming that the conspirators, one by one, deserted their leader, walked away from their cause, turned their back on the power, prestige and privileges. (Loving God p 72)
When the going got rough, these people quickly surrendered.
After Jesus’ death and resurrection, He appeared to five hundred of His disciples and spent forty days teaching them about the coming Kingdom. They were empowered by the Holy Spirit after Pentecost and went out witnessing and preaching.
These disciples weren’t powerful men, as society would understand power. They didn’t command armies and generals. Yet, unlike the Watergate cover-up people, none of them surrendered their faith under duress. They were imprisoned, tortured, and given the option to deny Christ, or die as martyrs. They chose the latter.
Sometimes people note that Islamic extremists willingly die as martyrs for their faith. Therefore, they say, this proves nothing.
Christians respond that Islamic extremists act upon assumption. They weren’t alive in Muhammad’s day. If Jesus’ resurrection was a lie, then so were His appearances after His death. It’s hard to imagine that five hundred people could be deceived so easily. Moreover, it’s even harder to reconcile that they would willingly die for something they knew was a lie.
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