What every Christian must know about a number of important things. The following insightful articles come from Gary Gilley’s website “Think on These Things.”
In each case we will provide a teaser and then link to the off-site article.
What every Christian must know about God
Every two years, Ligonier Ministries and LifeWay Research partner to find out what Americans believe about God, salvation, ethics, and the Bible. The findings are always shocking, but more so are the results of evangelical Christians who take the survey. Before we advance, we must first define what it means to be an evangelical…continue reading
What every Christian must know about Jesus Christ
Returning to Ligonier and LifeWay Research 2022 survey of “The State of Theology,” we discover that to the question: “Is Jesus the first and greatest of beings created by God?”, amazingly, only 50% of evangelicals agree. This means that up to half of evangelicals believe Jesus is a created being…continue reading
What every Christian must know about the Holy Spirit
According to the 2022 Lifeway/Ligonier survey, fifty-nine percent of those who identify as evangelical Christians believe the Holy Spirit is a force but not a personal being. And this is in light of the fact that about ninety percent claim to believe in the Trinity composed of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. At the very least, we have to admit that even the most conservative slice of Christians is deeply confused when it comes to doctrine in general and the Holy Spirit specifically…continue reading
What Christians must know about people
There are very few issues that are more confusing than trying to understand people, including ourselves. Few have credible answers to the questions such as who we are, why are we here, and what is our destiny? This does not mean there are not many opinions about these questions. As a matter of fact, we are flooded with philosophical, scientific, and psychological theories, which keep us off-balanced and confused. But very few people know and believe what God, our Creator, has to say about who we are, why we are here, and where we are headed…continue reading
We live in an increasingly doctrinally-confused and anti-Christian world. And so we need to ground ourselves on what the Word of God (the Bible) states, rather than what the culture wants, or what unsound churches teach. Hopefully Pastor Gilley’s articles are of help. See also Southern View Chapel’s YouTube Channel.
Further resources
Along the same lines as above, Michael Easley’s teaching series instructs us on why we believe certain Christian doctrines. See Why we believe what we believe
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