“What is Truth?” Pilate asked Jesus. Indeed, what is truth? Nowadays, my truth and your truth might be different. How confusing!
I’ve mentioned the following account before. It’s worth repeating.
Years ago I had an interesting exchange with a corporate work colleague. It took place in a bookstore close to our offices. At the time, my role was Market Analyst; he was a Human Resources manager. He identified as a Buddhist.
I recall his remark that some in the West often called themselves Buddhists but didn’t really understand the philosophy. After spending a few years in the New Age reading about several forms of Buddhism, I wondered whether he did. I say this because Western proponents and teachers of Buddhism often sanitized the teachings for Western consumption. The same can be said of Indian gurus who repackaged Hinduism with alluring Christian terms, and even incorporated Jesus into their pantheon of “masters” in order to draw gullible seekers (like me).
My Buddhist friend must have been aware that I was a Christian because, with a knowing smirk, he engaged me in a conversation about Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code. His intention was to draw attention to Brown’s so-called facts bringing aspects of Christianity into question.
When I noted that both Christian apologists and secular critics had exposed Brown’s creative facts, he responded with, “What is truth?” The brief exchange abruptly ended.
Fore a few examples, see Tony Robinson’s ABC documentary HERE
More recently
I recently saw a similar instance on a social media platform. The discussion was started by a Progressive Christian and centered on the concept that the Apostle Paul’s writings diametrically opposed Jesus’ teachings and intent. This is nothing new. Progressives and deconstructionists have used that line.
Paul explicitly wrote about things which the current cultural sentiment finds offensive. But many progressives want to hold onto the Jesus brand (without the icky stuff), so they strive to drive a wedge between Paul and Christ’s teachings. As the responses grew, the myth of the dividing line between Paul and Christ was shattered.
The person who began the thread finally said, “What is truth?”
Silly Putty Truth
I like what Rosaria Butterfield wrote in “Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age.” In context to the LGBTQ+ and Transgender movement she wrote, “We live in a culture that ascribes truth to feelings and perceptions, and it fears hurting people’s feelings…”
I’d add that the cultural influencers have biased agendas which oppose truth as revealed by God’s Inerrant Word. They are willfully in rebellion of God’s laws (Romans 1).
What is truth? The world wants truth to comport to its preferences. Just like my Buddhist friend and the Progressive Christian, personal beliefs come first. Sure they’ll appeal to “known facts” where it suits them. These, however, will be summarily rejected whenever the facts contradict their worldviews.
For a better discussion on this see the GotQuestions article, “What is Truth?”
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 2 Tim 4:2-4
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