We made this video for no other reason than to smack you in the face and get you ready for the battle that you are facing today. Shake off the sleep, pick up the sword of the spirit, and put on the armor of God. You have work to do.
Today the greatest challenge that you have ever been given sits patiently in front of you. It is an unopened gift on your front door step. You know what I am talking about. It is the voice inside that you have always had telling you that you were created for something great and that voice keeps calling your name like a rhythmic chant deep in your soul. It is the reason why you were born. It inconveniently interrupts petty celebrations and stubbornly wakes you up in the middle of the night when you desperately want to sleep. It is the challenge of your lifetime and no matter how strong, smart, rich, talented, or famous you become, you will never find any purpose as fulfilling as the mission that God has given you.
You were born with a mission.
All of your talents, ambitions, and character traits combined with your experience, trials, failures, and triumphs have been culminated into one single formula for this time and place in history. The formula is you and you are a part of a long line of history; a link in history’s chain. Your hour has arrived and the world is calling out in need.
You might feel like you do not fit in, but you were masterfully created with purpose and carefully designed for a mission given to you by your Creator. When you were created, everything about you was taken into consideration – the color of your eyes, the shape of your face, your height, the… [Continue Reading] << Be sure to click as there is a great inspirational video at the end.
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